August 30, 2022 Many thanks to all donors! We were able to pay for 1 bag of food for sensitive dogs and received an animal welfare discount.
07.2022 Many thanks to Lupovet
for donating a large package of dog food to fellow fire victims with 2 dogs.
August 13, 2022 Thanks to Gaby and Sandra! A large mountain full of useful things arrived.
Many thanks to everyone for the great donations in kind!
very dear thanks
to the
Elderberry farm 😘 who collected for us.
We currently still need medication, leashes, collars, plastic hoods, metal bowls, hand lawn mowers, wheelbarrows, heavy machinery and mesh boxes?
?Feel free to write us a message and if anyone can add a few euros, please
March 22, 2022
600. Like on Facebook
Thank you for your interest!
We brought 250 from our closest circle
350 have already been added
We're glad you found your way here and it would be nice if some of you really enjoyed the dog mission!
Very special thanks to everyone who contributed so we can help
Many thanks also to our youth group who made this poster for our information stand!